Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who Was William Shakespeare?

Preview the Section
Who was William Shakespeare
by Tony Smith

1.What is the topic of this story?

2.List two questions you should be able to answer after reading this story.

3.The primary purpose of this story is

A. Tell the reader who William Shakespeare was.

b. Tell how Tony found out that Shakespeare was a real person

c. Explain how memory works


4. The method Tony used to find out who Shakespeare was

a. looking in a book

b. asking the teacher

c. asking a student on the bus

d. doing a Google search

5. Identifying Details.

TRUE of False use inference skills. Tell what helped you choose your answer.

1. Tony's cousin Big Billy knows a lot about Shakespeare

2. Tony's cousin studied Shakespeare for many years.

3. Tony liked school.

4. Tony liked to hunt squirrels

5. Tony always did well on his spelling tests.

6. Stupid questions may be cause for a paddling from the teacher.

7. Big Billy liked teasing his cousin Tony.

What is the organizational pattern of this story?

a)Cause- Effect, b)Time sequence, c)problem and solution, d)definition.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

CMS 185 Week 7 Memory Exercises Due October 1

We will study Chapter 22 Psychology Textbook chapter. Page 599
Assignment for Thursday October 1. Sections 1 page 635-641
Section 2 642-649. Do sections A, B,C, E,F, G in both sections. Due October 1
Work on projects about Memory as it relates to Study skills.
The task is to produce a slide show. Use Power Point or Google Docs. Send to me via email.
The one above serves as an example. It can be much longer but should be at least 15 slides in length. It should be helpful to you and other students who are looking for tips on how to improve their memory when they read a text book in preparation for a test. The show should include a few memory tips, examples for each skill should be included. You should include photos, clipart. You could add a link to a youtube movie. Be creative, Make it interesting and memorable. Be sure to include links to web sites where you retrieved information.
Topics for project can also include the sections on page 600. Read the textbok but also research articles or web sites than are not like a text book. Make the show helpful to yourself and an audience of fellow students. You are welcome to share it with the class and the world via the web.
Example "How does the memory process begin. What causes people to forget.
Projects will be due by October 22