Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who Was William Shakespeare?

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Who was William Shakespeare
by Tony Smith

1.What is the topic of this story?

2.List two questions you should be able to answer after reading this story.

3.The primary purpose of this story is

A. Tell the reader who William Shakespeare was.

b. Tell how Tony found out that Shakespeare was a real person

c. Explain how memory works


4. The method Tony used to find out who Shakespeare was

a. looking in a book

b. asking the teacher

c. asking a student on the bus

d. doing a Google search

5. Identifying Details.

TRUE of False use inference skills. Tell what helped you choose your answer.

1. Tony's cousin Big Billy knows a lot about Shakespeare

2. Tony's cousin studied Shakespeare for many years.

3. Tony liked school.

4. Tony liked to hunt squirrels

5. Tony always did well on his spelling tests.

6. Stupid questions may be cause for a paddling from the teacher.

7. Big Billy liked teasing his cousin Tony.

What is the organizational pattern of this story?

a)Cause- Effect, b)Time sequence, c)problem and solution, d)definition.

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